Happy Valentines Day

Well, here I am at work – for the 14th day in a row I think – listening to the new Annie Lennox CD. I love Annie Lennox and this new disc is pretty good. I took a side trip to Best Buy this morning to pick up Mel’s Valentine gift. I hope she likes it! I wanted to get her the new Indigo Girls CD too, but that’s not out until Tuesday.

I also picked Sarah MacLachlan’s new CD which I haven’t heard yet. I bought tickets for her concert last weekend, she’s playing here in August.

I guess you could say I got myself some presents too.

Tonight we’re going to the Valentines Day women’s dance at the local Unitarian church. Not Mel’s cup of tea for sure, so I am surprised she agreed to go. (I’ll owe her one and will have to make it up to her!) Some friends will be there so hopefully she won’t have a terrible time.

Time to get back to it. Warm fuzzies to you all and have a great day!


  1. Jealousy! I wonder if the bonus material comes if you order the DVD set via Amazon. I had heard if you order from BestBuy.com that you don’t get it, but you do if you pick it up in-store.


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